Experiencing a death or loss can feel overwhelming. I offer virtual, one-on-one care to support you on your grieving journey.
Bereavement can be lonely; therefore, I am here to be a steadfast companion when you need it most. As a grief counselor and coach, I meet you wherever you are on your path with grief. My work is to be with you as you acknowledge your grief, bear witness to it, and eventually, integrate it into your life.
"May I be blessed in my work of service."
"May I be a blessing to whom all I serve."
~Jeremy E. Damec
Grief is a rite of passage that will shake you and strip you bare, and it can be a practice in allowing yourself space for self-compassion, loving-kindness, and grace.
In my work with clients and families, I hold sacred space for what death and grief are here to teach us. In death and in grief there is nothing to “fix” and there is nothing to "heal."
Many times, we can heal within our grief. This can happen as you
gain deeper awareness, understanding of who you were before,
who you are now, and as you begin to see yourself and your
journey ahead in a different light.

Grief Support with Jeremy
In our one-on-one support sessions, my approach is client
centered. I may ask questions to get a clearer understanding and will always respect if you choose not to answer. Sometimes, intense emotions arise, and we can take a break or do breathing exercises to ground back into the moment and our bodies. Ultimately, we will work towards an individualized plan to support you as you move forward while integrating your grief into who you are going forward. Know this will take time. Everyone is different as is their grief and we honor the journey through talking, being with what is before us, ritual, and tending to grief and to you so you are supported.
There are many different types of grief; sadness is not limited to death and dying. I hold space for any type of loss, including anticipatory grief, disenfranchised grief, unrecognized grief, ambiguous grief, suicide, life transitions, divorce, pet loss, and replacement child support.
"To turn away from grief is to turn away from life."
~Roshi Joan Halifax